In the ever-evolving landscape of education, where technological advancements and pedagogical innovations intertwine, this study investigates the challenges faced by students in six-week blended learning curriculum. Moreover, this qualitative phenomenological research design was conducted in the local Higher Education Institution in Leyte and chose fifteen student-participants through a purposive sampling; and performed an in-depth interview. Their recorded responses were then analysed per thought category, and then ranked based on their reoccurrence. After analysing and interpreting the verbal data, major data findings showed, the multifaceted nature of these challenges, emphasizing not only the struggles of students in adapting to blended learning methodologies but also shedding light on the diverse and complex dimensions of these impediments. As this education terrain is navigated, understanding these challenges becomes pivotal for enhancing the efficacy of future learning models. Lastly, the students with similar study can use this research as their guide or reference for gathering information or improving the topic for a better result.
Keywords: student challenges, six-week curriculum, blended learning